Test Runs

A Test Run is an execution of one or many test scenarios. test executions can be initiated via the XG portal or integration APIs. All the test high-level and detailed test results will be available on the XG web portal.


A Native execution is a test execution done through the XG web portal by running or scheduling a test execution definition. All executions that are run natively can be viewed here and can be filtered by the environment, location, service, and result.

Native Executions

A table of native execution runs are provided here that can be filtered by environment, location, service and result.


Native Scenarios

A table of native scenario runs are provided here that can be filtered by environment, location, service and result.




Executions that are executed via external API integrations (Ex: via CI/CD pipeline) will be available under External Test Runs. these executions can only be triggered by the integration APIs.

External Executions

A table of execution runs are provided here that can be filtered by environment, location, service and result.


External Scenarios

A table of external scenario runs are provided here that can be filtered by environment, location, service and result.


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